Blitz! is a programme aimed at teaching the fundamental aspects of reading and writing.
At the end of the sessions the child would have been introduced to;
- all the National Literacy Strategy words from the reception years
- many words form the National Literacy Strategy Years 1-2
- other words integral to the books read
- the sounds associated with many letters
- to write these letters from memory
- to correctly form the targeted letters
- to correctly write some high frequency words
- to write them from memory
- to use a range of reading strategies
- to expect and gain meaning from texts
- to be more aware of rhyme
- to use analogy to write related words
- to write VC and CVC words, and attempt to write unknown words with confidence.
At the end of Blitz! the child should be in a position to begin to read
independently from several reading schemes, with the knowledge and
understanding to make sense of them whilst being aware of efficient
and successful reading strategies. He/she should also be aware of, and be confident using, strategies to spell
unfamiliar words.